When looking for ways to improve marketing in your business, you may come across the phrase “marketing automation.” This term encompasses all types of software and techniques that enable you to automate your marketing tasks while personalizing efforts toward different groups of prospects to increase your chances of gaining conversions.
As a manager of a small business or startup, you may be wondering if such a course of action would be worthwhile for you. To clear up any doubts you may have, in this post we will look at how marketing automation works, what are its advantages, and who can benefit.
The Marketing Automation Process and It’s Capabilities
Marketing automation is often confused with email marketing, when in fact it is far more complex. Although email marketing is part of marketing automation, it is just one small component.
In addition to handling marketing execution, marketing automation allows businesses to improve efficiency in a number of areas, including lead generation, segmentation, lead scoring, nurturing, customer retention, and analytics, all by prioritizing leads by their likelihood to convert, filtering prospects according to engagement and interest, and making sure marketers stay on track with the aims of their strategy. More on this subject in our MarketCrest Infographic.
Software for marketing automation usually consists of:
- A database that holds all the information about leads, prospects, and customers.
- An engagement aspect, where authors can create and manage content for lead nurturing and for landing pages.
- Analytics, to measure marketing efforts, compare actual results against expected results, and determine the best ways to improve engagement and conversions.
Some of the top providers include HubSpot, Pardot, Marketo, and SharpSpring.
Why You Should Consider Marketing Automation
As your business grows, you will find it impossible to handle all your marketing tasks manually, even if you dedicate a small team to the task. Marketing automation solves this issue by doing some of the work for you. Whereas this is obviously a priority for large corporations, it is also beneficial for small companies. Freeing up resources for other necessities will allow you focus your efforts on aspects of marketing that cannot be automated, such as content creation.
The most significant benefit you will receive from marketing automation is higher revenue, due to increased pipeline and greater productivity. Nuclear Research found that 95 percent of companies saw some improvement, including between on average 1.5 and 6.9 percent greater productivity in marketing and 4 percent in sales productivity.
To get started with marketing automation in your company, check out this new marketing automation research.
Once you’ve decided if it’s the right option for your business, contact us to find out how to take your marketing efforts to the next level, including which automation services would be suited to your needs.
About Us: MarketCrest is a Marketing Consulting & Services firm focused exclusively on strategies that drive revenue growth. Simply put, we exist to help you compete and grow and we expect to be held accountable for your improved performance.
MarketCrest also provides Marketing Automation and CRM solutions, and services for clients. Learn more, and receive a free 1-hour consult with a marketing strategist.