How to Create Social Marketing Campaigns That Boost Your Conversion Rate

social marketing campaignsThere are more than 2.56 billion social media users in the world today. Each day, another million people join a social media platform.

If your business isn’t utilizing social marketing campaigns, you’re missing engagement with a huge percentage of your potential customer base.

Social media marketing is a great way to boost your overall number of conversions. It puts your business and brand in front of potential customers in a way that allows them to interact and share on their favorite platforms. It also leads to repeat-exposure, which can help nudge customers to buy.

If you’re ready to take advantage of social media marketing to boost conversions on your website, keep reading. We’re breaking down the secrets behind developing campaigns deliver the results you want.

Create a Cohesive Brand

To start building successful social marketing campaigns, you need to have a cohesive brand in place.

Your brand will be what allows potential customers to recognize your company each time they see it. So don’t start until your brand is ready.

If the pictures and text that you post to social media don’t follow a set of brand guidelines, they won’t be immediately recognizable to your followers. When a social media user sees them, they won’t recognize that they belong to your business, and they’ll keep scrolling.

Worse yet, if there is no plan or guidelines in place, your content will appear random and disjointed further exasperating your audience.

Setting up brand guidelines to support your social marketing campaigns requires you to choose colors, fonts, styles, and tones that will be reflected in everything that you post on your website and social media platforms.

Produce Consistent Content

The rule of seven in marketing says that consumers need to be exposed to a product or service seven times before they’ll decide to buy.

With effective social marketing campaigns, you’ll be depending entirely on your website, online, or print advertisements for the rule of seven.

You’ll need your potential customers to visit your website at least seven times. Or you’ll need to send seven advertisements their way. The first is almost impossible to ensure. The second is costly and involves plenty of advertisements being sent out to people who won’t even be interested in your products or services.

But many of your potential customers already spend hours on social media each week. By launching social marketing campaigns that feature consistent content, you’ll be exposing your followers to your message and brand time and time again.

Encourage Sharing

Another great return that you’ll get from social marketing campaigns is the chance to expand your audience.

Sharing on social media platforms won’t cost you any money. But it can lead to tons of new followers.

Encouraging shares and actually getting your followers to share your content are two different tasks.

In order to effectively encourage shares, you’ll need to give your followers a reason to share your content. There are a couple of ways to do this.

The first is to create interesting, unique, or helpful content. This could be anything from funny videos, to stunning photos, to articles that teach your readers something useful. If they enjoy what they see or read, they’ll be likely to share your content.

The other way to encourage sharing is to give your followers some incentive.

Asking your current customers to share a social media post in exchange for a discount on future purchases, or for a chance to win a prize, is another great way to encourage shares.

Know Your Audience

Not all of your potential customers are using social media.

Your social marketing campaigns should only aim to target the potential customers who are.

Millennials are the largest audience on social media. In fact, studies show that 3 out of every 4 millennials are more likely to buy from a company if they are active on social media.

While print advertisements or targeted online ads will be the better choice for older audiences, social media is a great choice for targeting your younger customers.

But your millennial audience still has certain expectations that your social marketing campaigns need to meet. You’ll need to research the latest trends in content and photography to stay up-to-date and keep your social presence relevant to your audience.

Engage with Your Followers

Once your social media campaign is in place, the work won’t be done.

Following through with your campaign, and engaging with your social media followers is essential.

If followers comment on your photos or posts, respond. If you notice that you get a lot of engagement with one type of content, and very little with others, use this information to adjust your campaign.

Social media marketing is a delicate process that needs to be constantly updated and adjusted to remain successful.

Invest in Help

Social media marketing is tough. If you don’t have marketing experience, are new to social media, or don’t have time to manage your campaign, you may want to invest in professional help.

Professional social media marketing help will give you a leg up on the competition. You’ll get cutting-edge strategies and tools to help your campaigns succeed. You won’t have to worry about staying up-to-date on the latest trends, or on investing hours of your time producing high-quality content.

Creating Successful Social Marketing Campaigns

Social marketing campaigns can be a great way to boost conversions.

You’ll spread awareness of your brand. You’ll expose potential customers to your brand again and again, helping to lead to sales. You’ll encourage engagement with your customers. You’ll also get the chance to see what your customers think of your content so that you can make adjustments.

You could choose to launch social media marketing campaigns on your own. Or, invest in professional help, and take your social media presence to a new level, boosting conversion rates like never before.

If you’re ready to see how a professional social marketing campaign can boost conversion, leading to increased lead generation and, ultimately, higher sales, contact us today for a free consultation.

We’ll help you determine what areas of your current marketing plan are working, and which aren’t. Then, we’ll help you make a plan for improving your marketing, on social media, your website, and more. You’ll be on your way to increased conversion, leads, and sales in no time.


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